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Mindelheim trip

Just back from Bavaria where I had a wonderful time in Mindelheim, where I received the first ever Mindelheim philosophy prize. It was an extraordinary experience - unforgettable, in fact. My partner Taryn and I stayed in a hotel in town (great view of the square), visited the local school and met the jury of 17 year olds, who were an exceptionally gifted and friendly group. We met the mayor at a little reception in the Town Hall, participated in a Philosophy Cafe one evening, and had a great time with everything laid on. The award ceremony itself was very splendid with a cello concert by the cellist David Grigorian, followed by the ceremony with a speech from the former Bavarian culture minister. Afterwards there was a big band and fire show in the town square. I even got to play the drums.

My thanks to everyone in Mindelheim for making this such an unforgettable trip. Especially Hubertus Stelzer whose idea the prize was. Some rather crappy iphone photos attached. Obviously they provide considerable scope for humour at my expense. That's the (deputy?) Bishop of Munich, whom I liked very much. He said in his speech, "It is more important to have questions than to have answers."

And of course I got to see Neuchwanstein castle as well, on a beautiful sunny day. Child catcher wasn't in, though.

Newspaper report here.


theObserver said…
Stephen is the only person in the bottom photo not wearing a dress. Trust him to break the dress code ! :)

Looks like you had a great time and it was very much deserved.
Paul P. Mealing said…
A great honour, I expect. And the first, as well. You will go down in history.

Looks and sounds like you had a great time.

Regards, Paul.
Kyle Szklenski said…
I was expecting you to say something like you tried to scale Neuchwanstein Castle without safety equipment, fell and broke both your collar bones. But congratulations anyway!
Anonymous said…
Dear Stephen,

you forgot some very important details:
1. You worked hard and deserve the price very well.
2. We (the Jury and Mr. Stelzer) were very glad that you are such a friendly person.
3. Mr. Losinger is the auxiliary bishop of Augsburg, not Munich.
4. I have to say that I hope all British people are like Stephen. Then I will probably emigrate from Germany. :)
5. Stephen will of course go down in history, having said the famous words: "Ich bin ein Mindelheimer" (I am a Mindelheimer) better then President Kennedy would have ever managed to do!!!

Greetings from Mindelheim, Germany
Florian (Member of the Jury)
anticant said…
Can we have a translation of the article, please?
Kosh3 said…
Awesome, sounds like a wonderful time and warming honour to be presented. Can't believe you pulled a Kennedy though, haha!
Steven Carr said…

'„Wer aufhört zu fragen, bekommt keine Antworten mehr und wird zum Looser“'

Has 'Looser' really become a German word?

Herzlichen Gluechwunsch!
Anonymous said…
Well, I am afraid that would be too much to translate, but the article is nevertheless not a very good one. Stephen's report is shorter, but better!

And yes, it is now a word in German, a very popular one, but it is written wrong, isn' t it? Simply "LOSER", not "LOOSER", right?
As "lose" means being defeated, but "loose" means not fixed, or am I wrong?

Furthermore, the "Kennedy" was a brilliant one! (it is also in the newspaper article)

Kyle Szklenski said…
Yes, "loose" means "not in a fixed position", or in other words usually able to move about freely. "Looser" usually refers to clothing, it seems, such as pants that are "looser" than tighter ones.

I'm really anal retentive about the use of "looser"! It really bothers me Americans type that so often.
Anonymous said…
Well, many Germans are so keen on everything American...
We really become American if do not are aware! :-)

Steven Carr said…
The pictures are not entirely clear.

Just a thought.

Has anybody ever seen Stephen Law and Gordan Strachan together?

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